General terms

General terms of the use of the web site and of the Zori Timeless hotel

We are ZORI, hospitality trade, owned by Iva Tomlinović, Hvar, Palmižana 19, PIN 2339068645 (hereinafter: "ZORI"). We are the owners of the restaurant and villas ZORI.

We welcome You to our website (hereinafter: „website“).

These General Terms of Use of the Website (hereinafter: the "General Terms ") are intended for all visitors or users of the Website and its functionalities (hereinafter: "User", "You", "Your").

If you have any questions regarding our website, as well as questions regarding these General Terms, please feel free to contact us in writing at the address of our headquarters or by e-mail at:

We frequently experience that more guests want to visit us than we have room for, so it is often difficult to set aside tables at short notice.

For that reason, we charge a reservation fee of €50.00 per guest on your credit card.

You can always cancel free of charge 72 hours before your booking.

If you wish to cancel, this can be done by cancelling via your confirmation email.

If you have any inquiries regarding the menu or allergies, please let us know at least 72 hours before your visit.

We look forward to seeing you at Zori Timeless Restaurant and hope that we can live up to your expectations.

We are the owners and manage our website, including all subpages of the same, through which we provide users with information about our business, services and activities, as well as enable the use of certain functionalities of our website.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the mentioned subpages do not mean the pages we refer to through the links on our website. Namely, ZORI is not the owner and does not manage the websites to which we only refer via special links. You access and use third party websites at your own risk and in accordance with their terms of use.

These General Terms represent a legally binding contract between You as the user of the website and us (ZORI) as the owner of the same.

These General Terms also represent the entire agreement between You and us (ZORI), regarding the use of the website.

Waiver of any provision of the General Terms or the General Terms in their entirety is not permitted.

Please read the General Terms carefully before accessing and using the website.

By accessing and using the website, regardless of the method of access, it is considered that you have fully read and understood the General Terms, that you are fully familiar with and agree to the General Terms, and that you will use the website in accordance with them.

We reserve the right at any time, for any reason, with or without special notice, to change these General Terms. Such changes do not affect the rights and obligations arising before such changes. By continuing to access and use the website after the publication of the changed General Terms, it means that you have fully read and understood them, and that you are familiar with and agree to them when you continue to access and use the website. Please check the General Terms regularly, as all changes become effective on the day they are published on the website.

We reserve the right at any time, for any reason, with or without special notice, to change the content and functionality of the website, as well as to shut down the website. By continuing to access and use the website after its content and functionality have changed, it means that you are familiar with and agree to them when you continue to access and use the website.

If You do not agree with the General Terms or are not satisfied with the website, please stop using the website immediately.

This website is not intended for use by persons under the age of 18 (eighteen).

As a user of the website, you are solely and only responsible for all equipment and costs necessary to access and use the website.

As a user of the website, you are obliged to access and use it in accordance with these General Terms, as well as in accordance with applicable regulations, especially the law of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union.

You may use the website, i.e., its content and functionality, exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes.

Through these General Terms, ZORI provides You personally with revocable, limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable permission to use the website, i.e., its content and functionality, subject to Your continued compliance with these General Terms.

Prohibited behaviors when accessing and using the website include, but are not limited to:

  • participation in activities that are illegal, harmful, threatening, violent, that violate or endanger the rights and privacy of others or are in any other way controversial,
  • publishing, transmitting, sending, exchanging and any other use of materials and content that are illegal, harmful, offensive, vulgar, slanderous, which violate or threaten the rights and privacy of others or are in any other way objectionable,
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  • any actions that violate or will lead to the violation of applicable law,
  • any actions that violate or will lead to a violation of the provisions of the General Terms,
  • everything that, in ZORI's opinion, damages or could damage the reputation of ZORI and its guests, partners and other third parties with whom ZORI is connected in any way.

In the case of using the website and acting in a prohibited manner, ZORI reserves the right at any time, without prior notice, to deny access to the website, i.e., its functionalities.

ZORI is the owner, that is, the holder of all intellectual property rights on the website, its content, features, functionalities and materials published on it.

Intellectual property rights are protected by the applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, but also by international regulations and agreements.

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Any use of the website that is not expressly permitted by the General Terms violates the General Terms and may violate applicable regulations regarding intellectual property and other rights.

The website and its content are made available to You "as is" and "as available". ZORI and all third parties related to ZORI, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, whether expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third-party rights and suitability for certain purposes.

Without limiting to the above mentioned, ZORI and its associated third parties MAKE NO STATEMENTS OR WARRANTIES about the following:

  • that the website, i.e., its content, is available or suitable for use in locations outside the Republic of Croatia,
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To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable regulations, ZORI and its associated third parties are not responsible for any damage (ordinary damage, loss of profit and non-property damage) caused by:

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As a user of this website, You agree to indemnify ZORI and related third parties for (actual) damages, and to defend and indemnify ZORI and related third parties against any claims, damages, losses, costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) that arise directly or indirectly from Your violation of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, i.e. Your access to and use of the website and its functionality.

Any liability for damages in relation to the General Terms is permanent, separate and independent from other compensations and continues to apply even after the termination of these General Terms in whole or in part or the termination of Your use of the website.

The law of the Republic of Croatia and the law of the European Union apply to these General Terms, to the extent that the same is applicable, taking into account the membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union.

ZORI and the user will try to resolve all possible disputes arising from these General Terms or their changes amicably, and in the event of impossibility of such resolution, the court in Zagreb will have jurisdiction.

If any provision of these General Terms is wholly or partially invalid or becomes wholly or partially invalid, this does not invalidate the validity of the other provisions of the General Terms or the General Terms as a whole. Any invalid provision will be replaced by a reasonable provision that is permitted by law and most closely matches the business purpose of the original provision.

U cijelosti vlasništvo Zori obrta za ugostiteljstvo.


Opći uvjeti hotela Zori Timeless sastavni su dio rezervacije smještajnih jedinica i korištenja svih usluga unutar hotela. Svi uvjeti navedeni u općim uvjetima pravno su obvezujući za obje strane – korisnika usluge i hotel kao pružatelja usluge. Prihvaćanjem rezervacije gost se slaže s općim uvjetima hotela Zori Timeless. Hotel zadržava pravo odbiti uslugu ako se gost ne pridržava općih uvjeta ili narušava sigurnost i zakon.


Hotel Zori Timeless nalazi se u ulici Palmižana, 21450 Hvar. Opseg usluga u sklopu Hotela Zori Timeless u vlasništvu Zori obrta za ugostiteljstvo uključuje usluge smještaja i ugostiteljstva, organizaciju događanja, savjetovanje i organizaciju pomoćnih djelatnosti, a sve po uslugama za koje je tvrtka registrirana. Djelokrug poslovanja Hotela Zori Timeless podložan je zakonima i propisima Republike Hrvatske.


Zori Timeless je kategoriziran od strane akreditiranih tijela Ministarstva turizma RH kao hotel s 4 zvjezdice u skladu s važećim hrvatskim zakonodavstvom.


Način plaćanja

Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo prihvaća online kreditne kartice MasterCard, Maestro, Visa. Upiti za rezervaciju ili rezervacija smještaja moguća je putem službene web stranice


Naplata kartice ovisit će o odabranoj cijeni smještaja.

Ako je odabrana Standardna cijena, potrebni su podaci o kreditnoj kartici bez plaćanja unaprijed.

Besplatno otkazivanje je do 7 dana prije dolaska.

Objekt se ne naplaćuje osim ako se rezervacija ne otkaže 7 dana prije dolaska.

Ako je odabrana bespovratna stopa, potrebni su podaci o kreditnoj kartici uz obvezu pune uplate nakon rezervacije. Nema besplatnog otkazivanja.

Potvrda rezervacije u oba slučaja predstavlja konačni ugovor između stranaka koji daje pravo hotelu na obračun rezervirane smještajne jedinice kao i pružanje rezervirane usluge. Hotel je dužan osigurati sigurnost i koristiti sve podatke korisnika u skladu sa zakonom, bez ikakve zlouporabe.

Uvjeti povrata, izmjene i reklamacije
Naplata kartice ovisit će o odabranoj cijeni smještaja. Promjene rezervacija su moguće u svakom trenutku, a sve prema pravilima hotela. Rezervacija se smatra promijenjenom u trenutku kada korisnik dobije pisanu potvrdu o promjeni od hotela. Povrat uplaćenog depozita u slučaju nepovratne rezervacije nije moguć u slučaju otkazivanja rezervacije. Otkazivanje rezervacije po standardnoj tarifi moguće je 7 dana prije dolaska u hotel. Za svako kasnije otkazivanje hotel zadržava pravo naplatiti ukupnu cijenu. U slučaju "no show" rezervacije, hotel zadržava pravo naplate ukupne cijene. Ukoliko se dogode bilo kakve okolnosti koje se ne mogu predvidjeti i koje su izvan kontrole hotela Štacija, hotel ima pravo otkazati rezervaciju u bilo kojem trenutku. Hotel zadržava pravo otkazati ili izmijeniti rezervaciju ako je zlouporaba rezervacijskog sustava procijenjena ili napravljena očitom greškom korisnika. Potvrđenu rezervaciju smještajne jedinice hotel može zamijeniti jedinicom iste ili više kategorije za cijenu koja je bila postavljena prije izmjene. U slučaju nemogućnosti smještaja gosta zbog očite greške hotelskog osoblja, hotel je dužan korisniku osigurati alternativni smještaj iste ili više kategorizacije. Ako je alternativni smještaj više cjenovne kategorije, razliku u cijeni snosi hotel. Alternativni smještaj temelji se na kategorizaciji Republike Hrvatske, hotel se bori razlikom alternativnog smještaja. U slučaju nemogućnosti pronalaženja raspoložive alternative, hotel zadržava pravo otkaza rezervacije i povrata ukupne cijene. Hotel nije odgovoran za greške nastale u komunikaciji korisnika s partnerskim agencijama.

Izjava o sigurnosti
Plaćanje i kupnja na našoj web stranici potpuno je sigurna. Za plaćanje kreditnom karticom koristimo uslugu internetske naplate WSPay za online plaćanja. WSPay je siguran sustav za online plaćanje, plaćanje u realnom vremenu, kreditnim i debitnim karticama te drugim načinima plaćanja. WSPay kupcu i trgovcu osiguravaju siguran upis i prijenos upisanih podataka o karticama što podvrđuje i PCI DSS certifikat koji WSPay ima. WSPay koristi SSL certifikat 256 bitne enkripcije te TLS 1.2 kriptografski protokol kao najviše stupnjeve zaštite kod upisa i prijenosa podataka. 

Izjava o pretvorbi
Sva plaćanja će se vršiti u hrvatskoj valuti. Iznos za koji će se teretiti vaša kreditna kartica dobiva se preračunavanjem cijene u eurima u hrvatske kune prema važećem tečaju Hrvatske narodne banke. Prilikom terećenja vaše kreditne kartice, isti iznos se pretvara u vašu lokalnu valutu prema tečaju udruženja kreditnih kartica. Kao rezultat ove pretvorbe postoji mogućnost male razlike u odnosu na originalnu cijenu koja je navedena na našoj web stranici.

Prikupljanje podataka
Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo se obvezuje štititi osobne podatke kupaca, prikupljanjem samo nužnih, osnovnih podataka o kupcima/korisnicima koji su nužni za ispunjenje naših obveza; obavještava kupce o načinu korištenja prikupljenih podataka, redovito daje korisnicima mogućnost izbora o korištenju njihovih podataka, uključujući mogućnost odlučivanja hoće li se njihovo ime ukloniti s popisa koji se koriste za marketinške kampanje. Svi korisnički podaci se strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo zaposlenicima kojima su ti podaci potrebni za obavljanje posla. Svi djelatnici Zori obrta za ugostiteljstvo, a i poslovni partneri odgovorni su za poštivanje načela zaštite privatnosti.


Naplata usluge

Korisnik je dužan sve usluge koje nisu obuhvaćene pologom platiti na blagajni. Plaća se polog, po srednjem tečaju na dan izrade ponude/predračuna i na koji je izvršeno plaćanje. Naplata usluga, a ostalo za plaćanje se naplaćuje po srednjem tečaju Hrvatske narodne banke na dan plaćanja. Plaćanje je moguće gotovinom (samo u kunama) ili kreditnom karticom. Plaćanje kreditnom karticom podliježe tečajnim razlikama i eventualnim naknadama banaka izdavatelja, na koje hotel nema utjecaja.


Sve cijene su kategorizirane po vrstama usluga, sve kategorizirane po vrstama sukladno uslugama koje tvrtka pruža. Cijene smještaja uključuju noćenje za jednu/dvije osobe, doručak i važeću stopu PDV-a. Cijene variraju ovisno o sezoni što je jasno navedeno u cjeniku smještaja. Dodatne usluge nisu uključene u cijenu smještaja i posebno se naplaćuju. Cijene restoranskih usluga objavljuju se na web stranici i redovito se ažuriraju kako bi odražavale sve promjene. Hotel Zori Timeless zadržava pravo promjene cijena. Hotel je dužan pružati usluge smještaja po cijeni koja je dostavljena, u pisanom obliku, putem e-maila. Hotel se ograđuje od bilo kojeg sadržaja objavljenog na internetu koji nije objavljen u domeni u vlasništvu hotela. Gosti uvijek mogu izravno kontaktirati hotel kako bi provjerili valjanost internetskog sadržaja pronađenog prije dolaska u hotel. Neke od web stranica koje sadrže usluge i ponude Hotela Zori Timeless su partnerske agencije s jasno navedenim politikama dogovorenim između hotela i agencije. Pravila su navedena u pojedinačnim rezervacijama. Hotel nije odgovoran za bilo kakve sporove koji mogu proizaći iz izravne komunikacije između partnerskih agencija i krajnjeg korisnika.


U skladu s propisima kojima se uređuje plaćanje boravišne pristojbe, gost je dužan platiti boravišnu pristojbu po uplati za svoj hotelski smještaj. Visina boravišne pristojbe koja se plaća u Hrvatskoj ovisi o sezoni i destinaciji. Djeca mlađa od 12 godina isključena su iz boravišne pristojbe, dok djeca od 12-18 godina plaćaju popust od 50%. Boravišna pristojba se plaća istovremeno s nepodmirenim iznosom rezervacije. Iznos boravišne pristojbe jasno je naznačen na računu koji se gostu ispostavlja prilikom obračuna i plaćanja usluga.


Doručak je nastavak usluge smještaja i uključen je u cijenu. Korisnici smještajnih i ugostiteljskih usluga dužni su poštivati prostor koji je određen za konzumaciju hrane. Gostima su na raspolaganju kafić i restoran u vidu dodatnih usluga Hotela Zori Timeless. Hotel ne jamči sjedenje u à la carte restoranu tijekom večere, stoga se preporučuje pravodobna rezervacija, kao i poštivanje vremena rezervacije za večeru. Sve ugostiteljske usluge Hotela Zori Timeless plaćaju se nakon konzumacije ili prilikom odjave (uz obvezu potpisivanja računa nakon konzumacije pića/obroka).


Dodatne usluge u kojima hotel može posredovati (npr. jednodnevni izleti) mogu se rezervirati prije dolaska u hotel ili tijekom boravka. Hotel ni u jednom trenutku nije odgovoran za dostupnost dodatnih usluga. Hotel je dužan posredovati u organizaciji putovanja koje je rezervirano, a rezervacija se smatra završenom nakon davanja ovlaštene i potpisane potvrde. Dužnost hotela je informirati korisnika usluge o putovanju i aktivnostima koje putovanje uključuje. Korisnik tada preuzima odgovornost za procjenu tjelesnih i općih zdravstvenih mogućnosti za pojedinačne aktivnosti koje meditira hotel. Hotel je također dužan preporučiti partnera od povjerenja s kojim ima uspješnu radnu povijest. Informacijom od strane hotela, a potom i s organizatorom putovanja, korisnik usluge prihvaća individualnu aktivnost. Važno je napomenuti da je uloga i dužnost hotela strogo rezerviranje i naplata obilaska. Troškovi dodatnih usluga naplaćuju se u hotelu, prije, tijekom ili na kraju boravka, osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno u pisanom obliku.


Promjene rezervacija su moguće u svakom trenutku, a sve prema pravilima hotela. Rezervacija se smatra promijenjenom u trenutku kada korisnik dobije pisanu potvrdu o promjeni od hotela. Povrat uplaćenog depozita u slučaju nepovratne rezervacije nije moguć u slučaju otkazivanja rezervacije. Otkazivanje rezervacije po standardnoj tarifi moguće je 7 dana prije dolaska u hotel. Za svako kasnije otkazivanje hotel zadržava pravo naplatiti ukupnu cijenu. U slučaju "no show" rezervacije, hotel zadržava pravo naplate ukupne cijene. Ukoliko se dogode bilo kakve okolnosti koje se ne mogu predvidjeti i koje su izvan kontrole hotela Zori Timeless, hotel ima pravo otkazati rezervaciju u bilo kojem trenutku. Hotel zadržava pravo otkazati ili izmijeniti rezervaciju ako je zlouporaba rezervacijskog sustava procijenjena ili napravljena očitom greškom korisnika. Potvrđenu rezervaciju smještajne jedinice hotel može zamijeniti jedinicom iste ili više kategorije za cijenu koja je bila postavljena prije izmjene. U slučaju nemogućnosti smještaja gosta zbog očite greške hotelskog osoblja, hotel je dužan korisniku osigurati alternativni smještaj iste ili više kategorizacije. Ako je alternativni smještaj više cjenovne kategorije, razliku u cijeni snosi hotel. Alternativni smještaj temelji se na kategorizaciji Republike Hrvatske, hotel se bori razlikom alternativnog smještaja. U slučaju nemogućnosti pronalaženja raspoložive alternative, hotel zadržava pravo otkaza rezervacije i povrata ukupne cijene. Hotel nije odgovoran za greške nastale u komunikaciji korisnika s partnerskim agencijama.


Korisnik je dužan sve usluge koje nisu obuhvaćene pologom platiti na blagajni. Plaća se polog, po srednjem tečaju na dan izrade ponude/predračuna i na koji je izvršeno plaćanje. Naplata usluga, a ostalo za plaćanje se naplaćuje po srednjem tečaju Hrvatske narodne banke na dan plaćanja. Plaćanje je moguće gotovinom (samo u kunama) ili kreditnom karticom. Plaćanje kreditnom karticom podliježe tečajnim razlikama i eventualnim naknadama banaka izdavatelja, na koje hotel nema utjecaja.


  • Prijava

Vrijeme prijave je u 15:00 sati. Ranija prijava nije moguća. Prilikom prijave korisnik je dužan dati svoju osobnu iskaznicu s koje se podaci unose u hotelski sustav uz suglasnost korisnika i prema obvezi Zakona Republike Hrvatske (potpisivanje tzv. registracijske kartice).

  • Odjava

Odjava je obavezna do 11:00 sati. Ukoliko korisnik ne napusti smještajnu jedinicu u određenom trenutku, hotel zadržava pravo ulaska u jedinicu, premještanja prtljage gosta i naplate 50% cijene za jedno noćenje. Ako gost ne napusti jedinicu do 17:00 sati, dodatno noćenje će se dodati na njegov račun. Međutim, moguće je omogućiti duži boravak uz promptu najavu, dogovorenu cijenu i naknadu od hotela.

  • Neuspjesi

Prilikom pregleda smještajne jedinice gost je dužan prijaviti vidljiva oštećenja i pogreške. Svaki kasniji izvještaj neće biti upućen prethodnom gostu, već gostu koji trenutno boravi u jedinici. Hotel zadržava pravo izračunati i naplatiti trošak svoje imovine za koju se procijeni da je uništena tijekom i nakon boravka gosta u hotelu. Korisnik je dužan poštivati ​​svaki element Kućnog reda, koji je jasno označen na karti hotela.

  • Pritužbe klijenata

Eventualne pritužbe ili prigovore hotel će uzeti u obzir, ako budu opravdane i dane na licu mjesta odgovornoj osobi, ili upisane u knjigu pritužbi u prisutnosti odgovorne osobe, koja će je naknadno poslati nadležnima. 

  • Održavanje smještajnih jedinica

Svakodnevno održavanje smještajnih jedinica dužnost je hotela. Spremanje se obavlja u jutarnjim satima, do 14:00 sati. Korisnik je dužan obavijestiti službu čišćenja ako ne želi da mu se soba čisti, postavljanjem oznake zabrane na svojim vratima. Čuvanje oznake dulje od tri dana nije dopušteno, hotel je dužan redovito brinuti o svojoj imovini. Kako bi okoliš bio siguran i čist, promjena ručnika se vrši na prijedlog gostiju. Korisnik je u mogućnosti kontaktirati recepciju 24/7, a hotel je dužan odgovoriti na sve zahtjeve uz potvrdu.


Korisnik je dužan poštivati politiku hotelskog poslovanja, a prihvaća i opće uvjete poslovanja hotela. Hotel daje pravo korištenja smještajnih jedinica uz mogućnost korištenja dodatnih usluga. Smatra se dužnošću korisnika da se s poštovanjem odnosi i prema hotelskom osoblju i prema imovini.


Hotel Zori Timeless se obvezuje svom korisniku osigurati ugovorenu i potvrđenu rezervaciju prema hotelskim standardima, prema općim uvjetima koje korisnik prihvaća. Trajna briga o kvaliteti usluge, pristojan i uvažavajući odnos prema korisniku od strane hotelskog osoblja, uz poštivanje zakonskih propisa obveza je Hotela Zori Timeless.


Svaki spor ili nesuglasica između hotela i korisnika nastojat će se riješiti dogovorom. U slučaju nemogućnosti pronalaženja rješenja za spor ili nesuglasicu nadležnim se smatra Sud u Zagrebu.


Sve predmete koji se unose u hotel, njegovo parkiralište ili teren, uključujući dragocjenosti i audio-vizualnu opremu, unosite na vlastitu odgovornost. Hotel Zori Timeless ne snosi odgovornost za štetu ili gubitak bilo koje imovine u vlasništvu gosta ili bilo koga povezanog s događajem/boravkom gosta u Hotelu, bilo da su stvari ostavljene prije, tijekom ili nakon događaja/boravka. Hotel Zori Timeless ni pod kojim okolnostima ne snosi odgovornost za gubitak ili štetu na plovilima kojima se dovezete u hotel ili bilo kojoj imovini ostavljenoj u njima.

Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo
Palmižana 19, 21450 Hvar, Hrvatska
OIB: 23339068645; PDV broj: HR23339068645
IBAN: HR04 4124 0031 1290 0276 6
Swift kod: KENBHR22
MBO: 91047412
Telefon: 00385913222227

Owned in its entirely by ZORI obrt za ugostiteljstvo.

General terms and conditions of hotel Zori Timeless are integral part of the reservation of accommodation units and the usage of all services within the hotel. All terms stated in the general conditions are legally binding for both parties – service user and the hotel as the service provider. By accepting the reservation, the customer agrees to the general terms and conditions of hotel Zori Timeless. The hotel reserves the right to refuse service if guest failure to comply with the general terms or interferes with the safety and law.

Hotel Zori Timeless is located in Hvar, Palmizana 19. The scope of services within Hotel Zori Timeless, owned by Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo includes accommodation and hospitality services, event organization, consulting and organization of auxiliary activities, all by the services for which the company is registered. Scope of operations of Hotel Zori Timeless is susceptible to laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

Zori Timeless is categorized by the accredited bodies of the Ministry of Tourism of Croatia as a 4-star hotel in accordance with valid Croatian legislation.

Payment method

Zori Timeless accepts online credit cards MasterCard, Maestro, Visa. Reservation enquiries or reservation of accommodation is possible via official website


Card charges will depend to the accommodation rate which is chosen.

If Standard Rate is selected, Credit card details are required with no prepayment needed.
Free cancellation is until 7 days prior arrival.
Property does not charge unless the reservations is cancelled after 7 days prior arrival.

If Non-Refundable Rate is selected, Credit card details are required with obligation for full payment after the reservation. There is no free cancellation.

Reservation confirmation in both cases represents final contract between parties which gives the right to hotel of billing the reserved accommodation unit as well as to provide reserved service. Hotel is obliged to provide safety and to use all user’s data according to law, without any abuse of them.

Refund conditions, modifications and complaints
Card charges will depend to the accommodation rate which is chosen. Modifications of reservations are possible in any given moment, all according to hotel’s policy. Reservation is considered modified in moment user receives a written confirmation about the modification from the hotel. Refund of paid deposit in case of nonrefundable reservation is not possible if a reservation is cancelled. Cancellation of the standard rate reservation is possible 7 days prior to arrival in the hotel. For every later cancellation, hotel keeps it’s right to charge the total price. In case of a “no show” reservation, hotel keeps the right to charge the total price. If any circumstances, that cannot be foreseen, occur and are beyond the control of hotel Zori Timeless, hotel has a right to cancel the reservation in any given moment. Hotel keeps it’s right to cancel or modify a reservation if the reservation system misuse is assessed or made by the obvious user error. Confirmed reservation of an accommodation unit can be replaced by the hotel, with a unit of same or higher category for the price that was set prior to modification. In case of inability of accommodating the guest due to a clear error of hotel staff, hotel is obliged to provide the user with an alternative accommodation with same or higher categorization. If the alternative accommodation is of a higher price category, the difference in price is borne by the hotel. Alternative accommodation is based on categorization of the Republic of Croatia, the hotel is being fought by the difference of alternative accommodation. In case of inability of finding any available alternative, hotel keeps the right to cancel the reservation and refund the total price. Hotel is not responsible for errors resulting from user’s communication with partner agencies.

Safety statement
Payment and purchase on our website is completely secure. For credit card payment, we use the WSPay internet billing service. WSPay
is a secure online payment system, payment in real time, credit and debit cards and other payment methods.
WSPay provide the customer and merchant with secure entry and transfer of entered card dana which is also confirmed with the PCI DSS certificate that WSPay has. WSPay uses an SSL certificate with 256 bit encryption and TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest level of protection when entering and transferring data.

Conversion statement
All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our website.

Data collecting
Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo undertakes to protect the personal data of customers, by collecting only the necessary, basic information about customers / users that is necessary to fulfill our obligations; informs customers about how to use the collected data, regularly gives customers a choice about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to have their name removed from the lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need this data to do the job. All employees of Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Service billing
User is obliged to pay all the services not being covered by the deposit at the checkout. Paid deposit is made, based on to the middle exchange rate on the day the offer/ pre-invoice was made and on which the payment was made. Billing of the services, and what is left to pay is charged by the middle exchange rate given by the Croatia National Bank on the day of payment. Payment is possible via cash (only in HRK) or credit card. Payment by credit card is subject to exchange differences and eventual fees of issuing banks, on which hotel has no influence.

All prices are categorized by the types of services, all categorized by types in accordance with services rendered by the company. Accommodation prices include overnight stay for one/two persons, breakfast and the valid VAT rate. Prices vary based on the season which is clearly stated in the accommodation price list. Additional services are not included in the accommodation price and are charged separately. Prices of restaurant services are published on the website and are regularly updated to reflect any changes. Hotel Zori Timeless reserves the right to change its prices. The hotel is obliged to provide its accommodation services at the price which was provided, in the written form, via email. The hotel distances itself from any content published online which was not published under the domain owned by the hotel. Guests can always contact the hotel directly to verify the validity of internet content found prior to the arrival at the hotel. Some of the websites containing the services and offers of Hotel Zori Timeless are partner agencies with clearly stated policies agreed by the hotel and the agency. Policies are stated in the individual reservations. The hotel is not responsible for any disputes that may arise from the direct communication between the partner agencies and the end user.

In accordance with the regulations governing payment of the sojourn tax, the guest must pay the sojourn tax upon payment for his/her hotel accommodation. The amount of sojourn tax payable in Croatia is dependable of the season and destination. Children under the age of 12 are excluded from the sojourn tax, while children aged 12-18 pay a discounted rate of 50%. The sojourn tax is payable at the same time as the outstanding amount of the reservation. The amount of the sojourn tax is clearly indicated on the bill which is issued to the guest upon calculation and payment of services.

Breakfast is an extension of the accommodation services and it is included in the price. Users of accommodation and hospitality services are obliged to respect the area designated for the consumption of food. Café and restaurant are at the disposal for our guests in form of additional services of Hotel Zori Timeless. The hotel does not guarantee seating in the à la carte restaurant during dinner service hence timely reservations are recommended as well as respecting the time of the dinner reservation. All hospitality services of Hotel Zori Timeless are payable either after consumption or during check out (with obligation to sign the receipt after the consumption of the drink/meal).

Extra services in which the hotel might mediate (day trips for example), can be reserved before the arrival to the hotel, or during the stay. Hotel is not, in any given moment, responsible for availability of extra services. Hotel is obliged to mediate in organization of a trip that has been booked, and booking is considered complete once the authorized and signed confirmation paper is given. Hotel’s duty is to inform the user of the service about the trip and activities the trip includes. User is then taking the responsibility of estimating the physical and general health possibilities for individual activities meditated by the hotel. Hotel is also obliged to recommend a trusted partner with whom has a successful work history. By being informed by the hotel, and with the tour provider afterwards, user of the service accepts an individual activity. It’s important to mention, role and hotels duty is strictly reserving and charging the tour. Costs of any extra services are charged at the hotel, before, during or on the end of stay, unless otherwise agreed in written form.

Modifications of reservations are possible in any given moment, all according to hotel’s policy. Reservation is considered modified in moment user receives a written confirmation about the modification from the hotel. Refund of paid deposit in case of nonrefundable reservation is not possible if a reservation is cancelled. Cancellation of the standard rate reservation is possible 7 days prior to arrival in the hotel. For every later cancellation, hotel keeps it’s right to charge the total price. In case of a “no show” reservation, hotel keeps the right to charge the total price. If any circumstances, that cannot be foreseen, occur and are beyond the control of hotel Zori Timeless, hotel has a right to cancel the reservation in any given moment. Hotel keeps it’s right to cancel or modify a reservation if the reservation system misuse is assessed or made by the obvious user error. Confirmed reservation of an accommodation unit can be replaced by the hotel, with a unit of same or higher category for the price that was set prior to modification. In case of inability of accommodating the guest due to a clear error of hotel staff, hotel is obliged to provide the user with an alternative accommodation with same or higher categorization. If the alternative accommodation is of a higher price category, the difference in price is borne by the hotel. Alternative accommodation is based on categorization of the Republic of Croatia, the hotel is being fought by the difference of alternative accommodation. In case of inability of finding any available alternative, hotel keeps the right to cancel the reservation and refund the total price. Hotel is not responsible for errors resulting from user’s communication with partner agencies.

User is obliged to pay all the services not being covered by the deposit at the checkout. Paid deposit is made, based on to the middle exchange rate on the day the offer/ pre-invoice was made and on which the payment was made. Billing of the services, and what is left to pay is charged by the middle exchange rate given by the Croatia National Bank on the day of payment. Payment is possible via cash (only in HRK) or credit card. Payment by credit card is subject to exchange differences and eventual fees of issuing banks, on which hotel has no influence.

• Check-in
Check-in time is at 15:00h. Earlier check-in is not possible. When checking in, the user is obligated to give his identification card from which the data is entered into the hotel system with the consent of the user and under the obligation of the Law of the Republic of Croatia (signing the so-called registration card).
• Check out
Check-out is obligated by 11:00. If the user doesn’t leave an accommodation unit at a given time, the hotel keeps its right to enter the unit, move guests’ luggage, and charge 50% of the price for one night. If the guest does not leave the unit until 17:00, an extra night will be added to his account. It is however possible to allow a longer stay with the prompt announcement, agreed price, and allowance from the hotel.
• Failures
When inspecting the accommodation unit, the guest is obligated to report any visible damage and error. Every later report will not be addressed to the previous guest, but the guest who is currently staying in the unit. The hotel keeps its right to calculate and charge the cost of its property that is assessed to be destroyed during, and after the guest’s stay at the hotel. The user is obliged to respect every asset of House Order, which is clearly marked on the hotel map.
• Customer complaints
Any possible complaints or objections will be taken into consideration by the hotel, if they are justified and given on the spot to the person responsible, or written into the complaints book in presence of the person responsible, who would afterward send it to the authorities.
• Maintenance of accommodation units
Everyday maintenance of accommodation units is the hotel’s duty. Housekeeping is done in the morning hours, until 14:00. The user is obligated to notify the cleaning service if he doesn’t want his room to be cleaned, by setting the ban mark on his door. Keeping the mark for longer than three days is not allowed, the hotel is obligated to take care of its property on the regular basis. In the purpose of keeping its environment safe and clean, change of towels is being done by guest’s suggestions. The user is able to contact the reception 24/7, and the hotel is obligated to respond to all requests with a confirmation.

The user is obliged to respect the hotel business policy, while also accepting the hotel’s general terms and conditions. The hotel gives the right to use the accommodation units with a possibility of using the extra services. It is considered a user’s duty to treat both hotel staff and property with respect.

Hotel Zori Timeless is obligated to provide a contracted and confirmed reservation to its user according to the hotel standards, subject to general terms accepted by the user. Permanent care of the quality of service, decent and respectful attitude towards the user by hotel staff, while also following the legal regulations is Hotel Zori Timeless’s obligation

Any dispute or disagreement between the hotel and a user will try to be resolved by agreement. In case of inability to find a resolution for a dispute or disagreement, the Court in Zagreb is considered competent.

Any items brought into the Hotel or grounds including valuables and audio-visual equipment, are brought in at your own risk. Hotel Zori Timeless shall not be held responsible for the damage or loss of any property owned by the guest or anyone connected to the guest’s event/stay at the Hotel, whether the items were left before, during or following the event/stay. Hotel Zori Timeless shall not be liable, in any circumstances, for any loss or damage to vessels you bring to the hotel or any property left in front of them.

Zori obrt za ugostiteljstvo
Palmižana 19, 21450 Hvar, Croatia
OIB: 23339068645; VAT No: HR23339068645
IBAN: HR04 4124 0031 1290 0276 6
Swift code: KENBHR22
MBO: 91047412
Phone: 00385913222227